Tree Care


Relationships with Trees

Humans have a symbiotic relationship with trees. Trees consume carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, as humans consume oxygen and create carbon dioxide in return. Trees are dependent on us as much as we are on them. Caring for our trees is just as important as it is to care for our own health. Trees need the right oxygen to breathe, the right amount of light, water and nutrients to thrive in their environments. Maintaining these environments and these trees will create long living, healthy trees that benefit our air and our landscape.



Pruning comes in 4 different forms, Each of these have there own purpose but also maintain one major goal. Health of the tree. Pruning trees is a way to specify growth in healthier ways. Removing dead branches, thinning low priority limbs, branches and shoots, raising the canopy, and reducing the weight of overly heavy branches. These pruning methods are conducted in a manor that will not harm the tree but help it thrive. Proper pruning helps nutrients and water flow to vital organs and releases the tree of stresses and unwanted organs. Pruning our trees will lead to controlled, healthy growth that will let our trees thrive.

Tree Removals.

Trees can be removed for multiple reasons. Although we do not always want to remove these trees, but sometimes it in necessary. Trees die, decay and become dangerous to be around. They can cause harm to our houses and other plants and sometimes need to be removed for future construction. We can identify the trees with issues, or diseases and remove them safely and properly. Tree removal can be very dangerous and always be done by an experienced professional.


Tree Preservation.

Tree preservation can be accomplished in many ways. Preventing future damage with bracing and cabling, proper pruning and weight reduction, addressing root issues and damage, and fixing damage caused by storms or human impacts.